Button Jon Hillenbrand, March 1, 2007December 30, 2015 Cute little halo You and your friends keep my clothes on I see you there dangling With a sideways smile on your face One of these days you are going to try and get away You’ll be there at night But the next morning you’ll be gone I’ll look through the sheets and curse to myself I’ll pretend it doesn’t matter But people will look closely at me and see That I’m missing my button Poetry buttonbuttonslovemetaphornicknamephotographypoemPoetry
Poetry LOVE October 30, 2008December 30, 2015 I’m thinking back to pre-school, a distant out of focus memory of my hand fondling the red fire alarm. The ink of grade school turns milky blue for a moment as I make out a girl in a polka dotted skirt, a girl who hated me. High school is clearer… Read More
Poetry What I Can Do October 29, 2011December 30, 2015 If you are too weak to walk, I’ll lift you on my shoulders. If you are too tired to laugh, I’ll sing you to sleep. If you are scared of your nightmares, I’ll conquor your demons. If you are hungry for contact, I’ll fill you with love. If your shoulders… Read More
Poetry Ten Minute Lunch October 5, 2010December 30, 2015 Today I spent ten minutes eating my lunch on the rickety wire furniture adrift in the shadow of a building. These autumn days chill shadowed areas to blue, but I was not shivering because of the cold and the shadow was cast not by the sun, but by the presence of my former love inside…. Read More