Button Jon Hillenbrand, March 1, 2007December 30, 2015 Cute little halo You and your friends keep my clothes on I see you there dangling With a sideways smile on your face One of these days you are going to try and get away You’ll be there at night But the next morning you’ll be gone I’ll look through the sheets and curse to myself I’ll pretend it doesn’t matter But people will look closely at me and see That I’m missing my button Poetry buttonbuttonslovemetaphornicknamephotographypoemPoetry
Poetry The Death of Dusty Brown October 15, 2008December 30, 2015 I took the reins from Anne and mounted up. The sun was setting across a fall landscape of tall grass which licked my stirrupped heels. I was looking forward to riding again not having ridden a horse in some time. The feel was familiar and I looked forward to the… Read More
Poetry I remember this October 21, 2010December 30, 2015 You’ll know if this makes sense to you: “And it starts, sometime around midnight. Or at least that’s when you lose yourself for a minute or two. As you stand, under the bar lights. And the band plays some song about forgetting yourself for a while. And the piano’s this… Read More
Poetry Snow on Black Tar January 24, 2013March 30, 2016 In the desert, the sand on top of the sand is almost like a talcum powder… Read More