The gourd of life dries out and is later sold in a road side market Jon Hillenbrand, June 13, 2007October 17, 2019 Well, that last blog entry now seems a bit harsh to me. But that’s what I was feeling at the time. And it’s a blog. So it includes the present but only in the past tense. Work is getting slowly but surely easier for me now. Instead of 15 things hanging over my head, I only have 5 or so now. And because new things aren’t coming in as quickly, I am able to increase my efficiency and rate of job completion at an exponential rate. Yesterday, someone asked me for a photo to be sent to the ad agency we use here at work. And literally 1 minute later, they had an email in their hands with that requested photo. The two photo shoots I had today are currently sitting on the shared drive ready to be picked up by the clients. I even had time to eat outside today. Funny how things change. Life, job, stress, and of course Love. Since this is a photography blog, I try and keep things centered around that, even though most of the time I just want to talk about Love, poetry and other silly things which you readers may not care about. You probably want to know how I take photos or what equipment I’m using. By the way, we’ve been using the new Nikon D2Xs at work and I can assure you that it’s an amazing camera. That’s easy to say being that it’s Nikon’s flagship camera. But I didn’t expect it to be this much better. It’s much easier to use than the D1X and D100, much much faster, it’s still light and still ergonomic. And the speedlights can communicate with it and now use less power for fill flash. So all of my shoots now look better. Very nice. Is it the right tool for the job? Could I make do with some other less-expensive camera? All I know is that you can cut your toe nails with wire strippers but it will take a long time to make your nails look like crap. You can get a compliment from an 83 year old woman, but she may be half blind or senile and talking about someone else. You can use a chair as a ladder, but you might fall and break your neck trying to get a shot for the inside of a brochure that no one may ever read except at your funeral out of some ironic sick twist. So I’ll stick with the nice camera and hope that people like my work. Maybe it’s time to go to New York, like in Great Expectations, and make all of my dreams come true. Photography Thoughts photography
Photography Scared for my liver October 29, 2009October 17, 2019 If you’ve ever seen the movie, “Saving Private Ryan,” you might remember the death scene for “Doc” brilliantly acted out by Giovanni Ribisi. Ribisi is great because he has a darkness to him that’s offset by highlights of innocence. Well, in his final scene, shown from the point of view of… Read More
Photography Hot enough for ya!? June 6, 2008October 17, 2019 Hi blog.So I’m feeling kind of basic today. Maybe it’s the heat and the humidity. It’s so hot and humid today I saw the devil wearing a t-shirt and drinking a Gatorade. I swam into the parking garage today and snorkled to my car. I wiped off my hands and… Read More
Photography Weekend Work April 1, 2009October 17, 2019 So have you ever felt like it was Friday when it was only Wednesday? Or did you ever think the week must almost be over, but it’s only Tuesday? It’s like our mental clocks are just getting back from vacation with a tan and stories while you’ve been slaving away… Read More