RTFM Jon Hillenbrand, May 29, 2008October 17, 2019 So I re-read the manual to the Nikon SB-800 speedlights that I use here at work and I discovered two things that were, in the corporate parlance of our times, big ah-ha’s to me. See, when we first got these strobes, I read up on them and knew that some of the features wouldn’t work with our then current prosumer production camera. But in the past year, we upgraded to a more modern camera that has compatibility with the Nikon Creative Lighting System, or iTTL. I knew I should have re-read the strobe manuals to see what new features I would get, but who has the time for that sort of nonsense? Anyway, I tried out the new functionality today and was impressed. It will save me a few minutes of tweaking now for every shoot. Unfortunately, we just also upgraded our diffusion panels to a different design. The new design sucks and will take an extra few minutes to set up every shoot. So really, it’s a draw in terms of time gained and lost. Except now, I think I look like an idiot trying to set up this diffusion panel with the bungee corded legs going everywhere. Great way to instill confidence in your subjects that you are an experienced professional. I look like Benny Hill trying to set up a tent. Photography Thoughts photography
Photography Waking up March 10, 2009October 17, 2019 “How can you prove whether at this moment we are sleeping, and all our thoughts are a dream; or whether we are awake, and talking to one another in the waking state?” -Plato, 428 – 348 BC I was told by my father once that if you write down… Read More
Photography Customized December 16, 2008October 17, 2019 So because my car window is frozen closed, and because I enjoy the irony of eating fast food after doing yoga, I found myself in joyous spirits inside a McDonald’s just now. And after making the girl behind the counter smile politely at my super charming self, I sat down… Read More
Photography The Big Blue February 6, 2009October 17, 2019 It may read as arrogant superiority and like I possess delusions of grandeur, to quote Han Solo, but I was recently challenged on two separate occasions in fields that I dominate; movie quotes and holding my breath. Not to oversell myself, but challenging me in these events is like challenging… Read More