This is my face Jon Hillenbrand, May 30, 2008October 17, 2019 So I shaved off my goatee a few days ago, and so far no one has noticed, not even my sister or mother. I know one person who will probably notice when I see her on Saturday. But she probably won’t say anything either because of the recent unpleasantness. The only reason I mention it, blog, is because in the past, people have always mentioned it when I have shaved my beardlet off. Because of my job, I know a lot of people here. Or more accurately, they know me. I walk through the halls with, “Hey there (finger gun point).” “Lookin good, you (half wave)”. I’ve gotten a lot better, but I’m still pretty bad with names. I even didn’t want to introduce the new guy at the company-sponsored quarterly birthday celebration and political re-education gathering out of a lack of confidence that I would say all 15-20 people’s names without screwing up and inviting harsh retaliation. Anyway, in the past, when I have screwed up shaving and have had to shave everything off, people would comment as I walked down the halls. “OMG, what did you do?! Where’s your goatee?! You look so young! You look like a childlike man!” So I’ve mostly been keeping the facial hair maintained because I didn’t want the attention. But now that I DO want attention for the change, where is it? People aren’t cooperating. Photography Thoughts photography
Photography Just Do It! September 25, 2008October 17, 2019 We all know the Nike slogan, Just Do It. Speaks volumes. It’s as good a mantra for companies as it is for people. I’ve worked for companies that I’ve wanted to scream this at. I used to work for a company that hired me to help them enter the web-based… Read More
Photography Sweet as a field of grass June 13, 2007October 17, 2019 Life is Beautiful, but it’s complicated. I looked up the song title “Life is Beautiful” today at Barnes and Noble, and 60 entries came up with that as the song title! 60! It’s plagiarism gone amok! And, of course, the version by Vega4 wasn’t listed, which was the only version… Read More
Photography Photography Workflow March 15, 2011October 17, 2019 This may initially look complicated but this is the photography workflow that I currently use including the route from initial captured image, through ingestion and processing, distribution and eventually to archiving. INGESTION: Through Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, images are copied to a working internal hard drive on my PC. During this… Read More