Circling Jon Hillenbrand, June 27, 2008October 17, 2019 Today I was tasked with capturing all of the new topiary at one of the hospitals I am responsible for photographing. It was a hot day and I took my time concentrating on getting nice shots despite the highness of the sun in the mid-morning sky. Forty-five minutes in, I spotted two birds twirling in slow lazy circles. They were using the air-conditioning smoke stacks as thermals, riding their ejected heat higher and higher into the sky. Within sixty seconds, they went from being fifty feet in the air to being almost out of sight. It was impressive. Photography Thoughts photography
Photography Thoughts on Thoughts September 29, 2010October 17, 2019 I am Captain Insomnia. My super power is the ability to stay awake forever. Sometimes I just can’t get my brain to shut the hell up. It’s probably clinical and can be treated with a pill which will destroy other parts of my life. Fuck, anything I write seems self-servingly… Read More
Photography My Sound of Music December 27, 2009October 17, 2019 The Von Trapp family was the Partridge Family of their day but without the annoying pastels and giant flowers randomly painted on walls. A string of silver-throated talents from old to young, this family did more to further my love of singing than any other early influence. I suspect I even subconsciously… Read More
Photography Memento November 25, 2010October 17, 2019 Sometimes when I sit introspectively and review the conversations of the day in my head, I think, “Why didn’t I acknowledge when Sally told me that she was in love with Jack? I just sat there and then changed subjects. Why the heck did I do that? And now I’m… Read More