The Land and the Sky Jon Hillenbrand, July 2, 2008December 30, 2015 There is a legend of a man and a woman who lived long ago. The man loved the woman more than anything and she loved him in return. He was a calm man, someone who knew the purpose of it all, who could see the wide view. But his love could not rest. She wanted to explore and run and dance and scream. Eventually, his true love left him and became the sky. He cried so much that he created all of the oceans and the rivers in the world. He walked so far looking for her that he created valleys where once there was only prairie land. He called out to her so loudly that volcanoes erupted creating islands in the middle of the oceans. Eventually the man stopped looking and fell asleep forever. His body became the mountains and his eyes were two great seas. Children played around him and families thrived upon his gifts to the world. Yet deep inside the land, even to this day, there exists a sadness. The mountains reach up unable to feel the warmth of her cheek or the caress of her hand. So the sky takes up the warm tears of the man and keeps them close. She hugs them in great clumps and weaves pears and veils from them. But when she can no longer stand the pain, she lets the tears drop down again as they fell so long ago. And the tears return to the man and his oceans and rivers and many years of longing. Poetry photography
Poetry The future remains, as always, uncertain May 30, 2008December 30, 2015 I may not have all of the answers, but I know what I know. I’ve drunk lessons from the fire hose, most of it getting away from me. I’ve filled my cup with what I know, and periodically pour it most of the way out onto the pavement like tears… Read More
Poetry Crystallized Porcelain January 27, 2019January 27, 2019 Crystallized porcelain alights on the window of the poet, waiting for him to notice. He watches as the sun melts her just enough to fall away and glide on the wind like a smoke. She turns, rises and falls like a bedroom breath, glittering through his life, a chaos of… Read More
Poetry The princess and her hair September 26, 2015December 28, 2015 The wind at the fair Blew through my long hair The men they did stare At me Read More