Ujjayi Breath Jon Hillenbrand, November 21, 2008October 17, 2019 Part of the Jedi training that my sister is giving me, also known as yoga, involves something called the Ujjayi Breath. It’s a way of narrowing your throat so that you inhibit exhalations. People do this normally when they purse their lips after they’ve gone on a run. Studies have shown that it increases the partial pressure within your lungs increasing oxygen absorption. But in Jedi training, my sister had me do the Ujjayi Breath so that I would have something to focus on during some of the more difficult moves. Which brings up an interesting point; having something to focus on. As a photographer, I often have to keep my eye on the prize, otherwise photo shoots can devolve into endless “pickup” shoots. On a more worldly basis, where would any of us be if we didn’t have something larger to focus on? If we were born as is, without the need for food or sleep, would we ever learn to walk or talk or think abstractly? Is it our goals that shape our actions or would we still grow up if we didn’t have something to look toward? So now I am on vacation for two weeks. It’s a strange thing to know that I am getting paid to either do a lot or do nothing. I’m the kind of person who is usually so absorbed in work tasks that my personal life, my apartment and relationships suffer. Well, not all of my relationships. The strongest relationships I have outside of work involve the managers at Cosi and Taco Bell. They love me. Anyway, it’s nice to re-learn something I think I knew before, focusing on something specific in order to get through the struggle of the moment, like focusing on walking rather than focusing on learning how to walk. Here’s a video of a spider robot learning how to walk: Photography Thoughts photography
Photography Reality > Perception July 28, 2007October 17, 2019 Reality is subject to our flawed perceptions. As true in Life as it is in Photography, you must realize that what you THINK is going on is not always the case. This is where experience comes in handy. Some people hear rifle shots behind them and duck and run for… Read More
Photography The Real World: Virtuality October 4, 2008October 17, 2019 Tonight on the Real World: Virtuality, we venture into cyberspace to watch real people presenting virtual people watching a real shuttle launch on a virtual movie screen constructed by real people virtually in a virtual world called Second Life. As an outsider to this mega-project, I can easily say that… Read More
Photography Motivation June 24, 2009October 17, 2019 It’s funny how easy it is to do something when you have the proper motivation. I’m sure the military is well aware of this through the use of drill sergeants. Back when I was working out on a daily basis, my motivation wasn’t an inconsolably angry person in a smoky… Read More