The Perfect Holiday Gift Jon Hillenbrand, December 6, 2008October 17, 2019 You know how every holiday you get these catalogs because you are on “the list”? But no one is on the same list. Some people are on the NRA gun nut list, some people are on the country home and garden gnome list, some are on the makeup and party decoration list, etc. The list is different for everyone but we’re all on it. Well, I just realized what the perfect pre-holiday gift would be? Catalogs! I get cool car part catalogs and auto-enthusiast catalogs and computer game catalogs and all the stuff that I am into. And what I should do during the year, instead of giving people stuff I think THEY might like for their birthday or whatever, I should give them some of my catalogs. That way, when Christmas rolls around, booyah, people know what to get me for once. I think I am the easiest person in the world to shop for, but maybe that’s just because the only catalogs I receive are full of things that appeal to me. Problem is, my mom is looking for something that I might like out of her garden decorating catalog. The other problem is, I have no idea what to get anyone this year. Gift certificate! Photography Thoughts photography
Photography ARC July 27, 2011October 17, 2019 Automatic Relationship Compensation (ARC). I’ve discovered that I suffer from ARC after I bought my first car. The concept is this: the more my romantic life suffers, the more money I spend on my car. After three years of on and off with a girl I was dating, my car… Read More
Photography Photographic Memory March 1, 2007October 17, 2019 Memories. Those funny little thoughts. They are like packets of imagination except they are supposedly real. But many lawyers depend on the fact that they aren’t real. Perhaps because of their association with the imagination, they’ve acquired a bad rep. They can change the color of a car, the height… Read More
Photography Duck! December 10, 2009October 17, 2019 Ducks seem to have a lock on a lot of things in the human world. There’s the old saying, “Be calm on the surface and paddling like the dickens underneath,” duck analogy. Then there’s the, “If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck…,” analogy which is used… Read More