Remember your audience Jon Hillenbrand, March 29, 2010October 17, 2019 I shot Billy Corgan for a benefit concert the other night. Though he was donating his time, he made a few comments to the crowd which reminded me that contempt for the audience is not always made up for by expert guitar picking. This reminded me of the axiom, “Remember Your Audience.” Film school was full of people trying to outdo each other with strange concepts and experimental imagery. An apple sitting alone on a chair in a long hallway is juxtaposed with an angry old man. Some students would nod knowingly but I would often suspect they were harboring deeper confusion. So when it came time for me to make my films, I tried to fall on the side of “clear narrative” and “understandable imagery” in order to not alienate my audience. This approach was nearly derailed in my “Experimental Media Production” class. So I ended up doing a stop-motion animation of a metal man with alligator clips for hands and a magnifying glass for a head, named Mr. Magnifier. The story involved Mr. Magnifier being trapped in a giant maze of electronic gadgets and sound board sliders. I had him riding a hockey puck car through diverging hallways. It was called Escape From the Machine. The great thing was that the film developed quite a following and people constantly asked me when the sequel was coming out. This was a double-edged sword however as I had recently run out of money for film and processing (we shot on 16mm reversal film back then). For my senior thesis, I switched half way though my film from motion picture to still photos. I looped it in as a (say this next part in a near-sarcastic lilt reminiscent of a film student taking himself too seriously) “montage” of images speaking the truth about Mr. Magnifier’s struggles and how they reflected contemporary society’s painful move toward technology at the expense of technology…or something like that. I got a B. Photography Thoughts photography
Photography Medium Sized August 4, 2010October 17, 2019 After college, I lived in Kankakee County in a small town called Momence for a while. There were only a few hundred people living there with a main street no longer than 10 or 15 blocks long, and that’s being generous. It was far from work, but in the neighborhood… Read More
Thoughts Night Running August 6, 2015October 17, 2019 I often run at night. Yesterday, I went for a long walk. And when I was passing the beach, the cops came and shined a light onto the beach because it was closed. The cop’s light illuminated a group of eight college students who were all crowded on top of… Read More
Thoughts The Missing Ingredient December 5, 2011October 17, 2019 There are many things in this world that are almost perfect. Pringles, for example, would be perfect if they satiated you. Unfortunately, you crave more the more you eat which, lucky for Pringles, keeps you purchasing can after delicious can. My sister used to joke that they were laced with… Read More