Techo-f****d Jon Hillenbrand, March 31, 2010October 17, 2019 I just wrote a whole blog post with tags and photos while laying here in bed typing with my thumbs into my “smartphone”. Amazing how far technology has taken us. But after taking the photo, the application crashed erasing the whole post and ruining the whole mystique. Photography Thoughts photography
Photography Virtual Photography September 4, 2008October 17, 2019 In my spare time, to hone my Photoshop skills and to have a little fun, I work with video game graphics. I thought I would show you some of the things I’ve been working on lately. On some of the video game forums, there are places where you can post… Read More
Photography This is my face May 30, 2008October 17, 2019 So I shaved off my goatee a few days ago, and so far no one has noticed, not even my sister or mother. I know one person who will probably notice when I see her on Saturday. But she probably won’t say anything either because of the recent unpleasantness. The… Read More
Photography Universal Tooth August 10, 2010October 17, 2019 Debating the details of someone’s core beliefs is an entertaining yet usually pointless endeavour; but let slip the dogs of war, I say. I once argued with a girl for what felt like two hours about the existence of Universal Truth, she on the, “it obviously exists,” side and me on the, “you can never prove it,”… Read More