New Look Jon Hillenbrand, April 25, 2010October 17, 2019 I’m giving a new look to my blog. The photos will be larger, EXIF data like shutter speed, f/stop, ISO and camera type will be posted in the left column and links to other blog entries are now at the bottom of each page. Background and text colors of the blog will change depending on the color of the photos that I post. There is also an ARCHIVE link on the top of each page with thumbnails to different pics and stories. Also take note of the large left and right arrows (sideways carrots?) on each page. They move you forward and backward through the blog. Let me know what you think. And click around on old posts to see the new look in action! Photography Thoughts backgroundEXIFnavigationphotography
Photography Our Sea of Choices March 11, 2007October 17, 2019 Quotes are a lens which brings life into focus some times. The movie Gladiator has a few of these quotes. “What we do in this life echoes throughout eternity.” I think these are good words to live by and though I’ve doubted the existence of eternity in the past, I’ve… Read More
Photography Photography Workflow March 15, 2011October 17, 2019 This may initially look complicated but this is the photography workflow that I currently use including the route from initial captured image, through ingestion and processing, distribution and eventually to archiving. INGESTION: Through Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, images are copied to a working internal hard drive on my PC. During this… Read More
Thoughts Creativity in a vacuum July 28, 2015October 17, 2019 I’ve sometimes been asked if there’s a difficulty in my life between being creative and paying the bills, often referred to as “whoring yourself out for the Man” or “selling out”. Here are my thoughts on this. Read More
Please note that this post refers to my OLD blog, the one that resides at The blog you are currently reading has been updated since this post (and moved over to!).