Auditorium Seats – YMCA Jon Hillenbrand, May 25, 2010October 17, 2019 Oh what drama the auditorium seats have seen. So passive in their demeanour, yet always watching with a soulless intensity eclipsed only by their occasional occupants. I took these shots at the Evanston YMCA’s ancient auditorium. [AFG_gallery id=’4′] Photography Thoughts abstractauditoriumblack and whitephotographyseatsvintageymca
Photography I may be a transdimensional being September 20, 2008October 17, 2019 OK, so if the Catholics I grew up with are correct, I will one day be a transdimensional being. I will at some point unlock the cage and leave the plane of existence that I know of as “the universe” and be transported or, by will of my own, transport… Read More
Photography You are now pregnant with oil March 23, 2011October 17, 2019 Listening to Moulin Rouge’s final scene on YouTube while editing pregnancy test photos is a great multitasking combination. Earlier during the photo shoot, we didn’t have any urine to drop into the pregnancy test (thank goodness), so we used water which I am coloring yellow in very careful mouse moves. … Read More
Photography Weekend Work April 1, 2009October 17, 2019 So have you ever felt like it was Friday when it was only Wednesday? Or did you ever think the week must almost be over, but it’s only Tuesday? It’s like our mental clocks are just getting back from vacation with a tan and stories while you’ve been slaving away… Read More