Making bubbles Jon Hillenbrand, July 8, 2010October 17, 2019 Photoshop has been good to me. Since version 4.0 or so, I’ve been teaching myself successfully how to use it and having a lot of fun along the way. I’m always impressed with what it can do in such a short amount of time. Getting a Wacom tablet opened up a whole new world to me in PS as well, especially CS2 and later. I often give tutorials to my friends and colleagues on some of the basics and tips and tricks I’ve picked up from classes. Often during these tutorials, I get bogged down talking about the history of the development of the tool instead of just teaching what something does. So I usually try and emphasize the importance of learning keyboard shortuts and not getting obsessed with doing something the “right way”. Since there are 3 or 4 ways to do everything in PS, it’s best to just do what feels natural or is easiest to remember. I threw together this short video of myself making some bubble thing. Hope the music doesn’t get stripped out by YouTube. We’ll see. For now, have a look and a listen and enjoy. Photography Thoughts bubblesphotographyphotoshoptutorialvideoyoutube
Photography Metrics October 2, 2010October 17, 2019 Some people I work with don’t care about anything other than successful numbers. As someone involved in creating artwork for a living, it’s difficult to mesh with that metrics-based world. But I do keep track of almost everything I do at work so just for fun, here are some of… Read More
Photography The Group Shot April 9, 2008October 17, 2019 The other night as I was folding laundry, I realized that photos apply importance unfairly. Take something totally ordinary, and if you get a good shot of it, or even a bad shot of it, it’s suddenly more important. This is especially true when talking about the group shot. Unlike… Read More
Photography Weekend Work April 1, 2009October 17, 2019 So have you ever felt like it was Friday when it was only Wednesday? Or did you ever think the week must almost be over, but it’s only Tuesday? It’s like our mental clocks are just getting back from vacation with a tan and stories while you’ve been slaving away… Read More