Bathroom Perspective Jon Hillenbrand, July 11, 2010October 17, 2019 It’s funny how some ordinary everyday objects take on a new life of their own depending on how you look at them. Of course, for someone like me who has -5.5 vision correction in both eyes, this is how the bathroom looks to me every morning when I haven’t put my contacts in yet (except for the creative colors). Those of you “blessed” with 20/20 or better vision unfortunately will never get to experience this sensation except through the medium of photography. But I’m still jealous of you. [AFG_gallery id=’5′] Photography Thoughts bathroomfaucetflickrphotographyshowershower headtoilet paper roll holder
Photography ARC July 27, 2011October 17, 2019 Automatic Relationship Compensation (ARC). I’ve discovered that I suffer from ARC after I bought my first car. The concept is this: the more my romantic life suffers, the more money I spend on my car. After three years of on and off with a girl I was dating, my car… Read More
Photography For All Mankind April 14, 2009October 17, 2019 Ninety-seven years ago today, an undersized rudder, brittle steel, faux smoke stacks, too few life boats and general human asshattery conspired to bring about one of the most widely publicized boating accidents in human history. “Iceberg, right ahead!” was the call and 37 seconds later the Titanic buckled her side… Read More
Photography Shot down October 3, 2008October 17, 2019 All’s fair in love and war. Love and War. Comparing the realities of a divorce to the realities of the war on terror and 9/11 seem fitting unfortunately. The brown skin on a banana tasting just as bad as that old peach. Soldiers of love and war can be paralleled… Read More