Rosary of thought unread aloud Jon Hillenbrand, October 6, 2010May 10, 2013 It’s a rosary of thought, it’s over and over, and it runs through my head from bead to bead. It doesn’t matter. Like a fight with myself. You know, eventually, I’m going to win. So I wait for the victory. I close my eyes and wait for the victory to come at last. It DOESN’T matter, doesn’t matter, doesn’t matter, doesn’t matter. I pretend it doesn’t matter, doesn’t matter, doesn’t matter. Cuz it doesn’t, doesn’t matter, doesn’t matter, doesn’t matter. I run and I run and I run and I run and I run and I run and I run, it doesn’t matter. Doesn’t matter, doesn’t matter, doesn’t matter, I pretend, like a poem that’s never read, it doesn’t matter, doesn’t matter. An overcomplicated watch like a bomb that doesn’t blow. And it’s fine and it’s fine and it’s fine and it’s fine, cuz it doesn’t really matter, doesn’t matter, doesn’t matter. In the end it doesn’t matter doesn’t matterdoesn’tmatter. But it does. Poetry doesn't matterpoemPoetryrepetitionrosary
Poetry The Red Doorway May 12, 2010December 30, 2015 The red door dustily banged open temporarily scrubbing the dirty grout of the men’s conversation. She paused there in the opening, a sudden wind taking its cue to wrap around her silken form the particles of the failing daylight. Her swollen pout threw daggers at the men, her final words a Read More
Poetry Heavenly Peace December 18, 2013March 30, 2016 Heavenly Peace is the phrase of the day And all nations seek this in their special way. Some barter, some threaten, some wait for a sign… That all will be good, promised by the Divine. Some answer the calls of our leaders’ desires To rise up and kill as soldiers… Read More
Poetry Discovering your tiger face February 28, 2009April 27, 2018 There once was a tiger that lived in the jungle. She gave birth to a baby tiger cub, but then she died, leaving her cub alone in the world. The little cub went out searching for a mother. Read More