Valentine’s Day Mass Cure Jon Hillenbrand, February 14, 2011October 17, 2019 What is this? Two blog posts on Valentine’s Day? Yes, I’m trying to make up for five years of not posting anything V-Day related, or as my sister Anne calls it, Single’s Awareness Day. So for all of my single cohorts on this most-challenging of days, I present to you a short list of reasons that it is great to be single on V-Day (in no particular order)! While you can imagine sharing Oreo cookies under a blanket in front of a fireplace with your significant other, if you are single you don’t have to worry about annoying cookie breath! An early death will not lead to pissed off and therapy-bound dependants! Plenty of time during the long and endless night to fill with whatever you want to do! Want to buy a motorcycle and drive as fast as you can at least once? If single, your significant other won’t worry you out of that self-destructive fantasy! Taxes are so much easier when single! 1040EZ anyone? An apartment or home full of filth only gets swept up by your socks, not the socks of your significant other! Piles of dishes only bother you, not your significant other! No ice, no problem! Drinking directly from the carton is allowed! Kleenex stock goes way up on Valentine’s Day because of you and the RomCom industry! Those video games aren’t going to finish themselves! Online dating has never been more acceptable as a lifestyle choice! No one to compete with your porn! While this isn’t a complete list, it’s all I could come up with before the crushing reality that my Blu-Ray player has been rotating in the same spot for the past two hours burning a permanent blue line into the Battlestar Galactica pilot. Happy Valentine’s Day to all of my single friends. To all of my friends updating Facebook with their plans of flowers, chocolate, fancy restaurants and exhultations of love, bite me. Thoughts facebooklovesinglevalentine's day
Thoughts Taffy Apple Day October 31, 2011October 17, 2019 Today I photographed Taffy Apple Day in the cafeteria at work. I have no deep thoughts about this. It was simply a quick little shoot. Nothing to report here. On the other side of the cafeteria, they are trying to get coffee addicts to stop using 4 million Styrofoam cups a year… Read More
Photography Love and Responsibility August 15, 2007October 17, 2019 Cathy, the nice upbeat woman who worked upstairs from me at my company died two weeks ago on a Sunday evening in her sleep. I took her last professional photo. I’ve had other people die, two before, now three, that I’ve photographed or videotaped. And I can tell you in… Read More
Photography Virtual Photography September 4, 2008October 17, 2019 In my spare time, to hone my Photoshop skills and to have a little fun, I work with video game graphics. I thought I would show you some of the things I’ve been working on lately. On some of the video game forums, there are places where you can post… Read More