Raven Jon Hillenbrand, March 26, 2011December 30, 2015 Raven alight upon my ledge Tapping at frosted glass. Barely the handle is turned when you leap inside Transforming into the Night Beauty. You sing and I am yours. I woo you, love you, make you mine You wrap your wings around me and we fly together into the sky. I grasp you close, But my hold is too tight. Your feathers wilt. You call out to the blue sky. I see you at the window again. I open it and you are free. My room is smaller now. I see your feathers upon my pillow. The clocks are louder. I pray for rain so you might visit. I search the trees and the sky for you. I listen for your call. But you do not. Poetry birdsflightlosslovephotographyromantic comedieswindows
Poetry Blessed and Damned October 19, 2008December 30, 2015 I am a luminous being. Look into my tomb and you will see my outline visible as though looking through a veil of cheesecloth. My identity is not the product of man-made fallibility. I have been illuminated by brilliant shafts of light cast about from many sources. That is why… Read More
Poetry Listen not to vain word of empty tongue July 19, 2007December 30, 2015 The title of this blog came to me wrapped in hard cookie. A crack later and the fortune spilled into my hand like hot mercury. Such wisdom nowadays comes to me at the end of a meal from someone who probably barely speaks the language they are writing in. I… Read More
Poetry The Death of Dusty Brown October 15, 2008December 30, 2015 I took the reins from Anne and mounted up. The sun was setting across a fall landscape of tall grass which licked my stirrupped heels. I was looking forward to riding again not having ridden a horse in some time. The feel was familiar and I looked forward to the… Read More