Amazing Women Jon Hillenbrand, August 5, 2011October 17, 2019 LOOKING NOT FINDING Looking online for someone to date is like shopping for a car. Too old, too young, wrong color, wrong features, looks like high-maintenance hotness, looks perfect but the seller won’t contact me back, etc. The good thing about shopping online for someone to date is when you meet someone in person, the old trepidation is gone. It’s like finding the perfect little red convertible on a random lot, skidding to a stop and looking for the asking price on the windshield. Better to risk a major catastrophe than let a great opportunity pass you by. Of course, the more you ask, the more your bleed your heart out in little cuts. You can’t make yourself appealing to anyone without taking at least a small risk. Kanye West and Jay-Z can get away with looking at a girl and saying, “That’s my bitch.” I guess I just wasn’t built that way. I’m more like the varsity football coach who feels every loss with a deep nod, as if you’re letting your kids down. Those speeches don’t grow on trees, and after a few losses, you can see the kids losing interest in this line of play. Of course, there’s always… “Great moments are born from great opportunity. And that’s what you have here tonight, boys. That’s what you’ve earned here tonight. One game…This is your time. Now go out there and take it.” -Coach Brooks Photography Thoughts blondsdatingJay-ZKanye Westloveonline datingphotographywomen
Photography Evolve May 13, 2010October 17, 2019 I had to shoot an annual meeting for a women’s group the other day. The client wasn’t asking for anything special, just some images to put on a newsletter, in a website or wherever they could find space. So I took the requisite pairings and crowd shots but then later concentrated… Read More
Thoughts The Missing Ingredient December 5, 2011October 17, 2019 There are many things in this world that are almost perfect. Pringles, for example, would be perfect if they satiated you. Unfortunately, you crave more the more you eat which, lucky for Pringles, keeps you purchasing can after delicious can. My sister used to joke that they were laced with… Read More
Photography Memento November 25, 2010October 17, 2019 Sometimes when I sit introspectively and review the conversations of the day in my head, I think, “Why didn’t I acknowledge when Sally told me that she was in love with Jack? I just sat there and then changed subjects. Why the heck did I do that? And now I’m… Read More