The princess and her hair Jon Hillenbrand, September 26, 2015December 28, 2015 The wind at the fair Blew through my long hair The men they did stare At me I thought they were daft To stare at a draft Many of them laughed At me My coat I pulled tight Around me tonight Their gazes a fright To me I walked away fast The moment had passed Why were they aghast At me To home. My face flushed My roommate was hushed Toward mirror I rushed To see My hair was all gone As bald as a swan The gaze of a fawn I see I reached for my head A visage of dread My hands reached a thread Of me Awake with a fright I bolted alight Clammed feet through the night To see My hair was still there I stared at it fair Felt waning despair And glee But lingering doubts Anger at those louts Mumbled raging shouts In me I picked up those shears And confirmed my fears Clipped off with loose tears My glee The hair did fall down Away from my crown Innocence did drown I’m free A princess no more But Phoenix galore Now what is in store For me Poetry hairpoem
Poetry To sleep perchance to dream July 6, 2007December 30, 2015 I was walking on a city street that looked like it had been frosted with gray ash. All of the businesses were closed, their windows unwashed. I was looking toward a crowd of people who were heading in the same direction past me, homeless refugees pushing shopping carts full of… Read More
Poetry The Direction April 4, 2010December 30, 2015 Morality is a giant flock of birds, every one joining and leaving as necessary to fulfill their immediate ambitions, the overall shape and direction coming from the collective emergence of the many. There are those who would enliven the flock and those who would laugh at its destruction. Today I… Read More
Poetry The Land and the Sky July 2, 2008December 30, 2015 There is a legend of a man and a woman who lived long ago. The man loved the woman more than anything and she loved him in return. He was a calm man, someone who knew the purpose of it all, who could see the wide view. But his love… Read More