5K Registration Jon Hillenbrand, August 7, 2016October 17, 2019 Now I’ve done it. After 3 months of pretty darn steady training, I’ve signed up for my first official 5K, the Humboldt Park 5K, on Sunday Aug. 14th. The reason I chose this particular 5K was that it falls on the exact day my training program calls for running a 5K. So I hate to say that I’m not really interested in fundraising for that particular park. I’m doing this for selfish reasons. But my steep late registration fee leaves me with no remorse. For those who may be curious, I’ve been using a training plan from the fine people across the pond in the UK, Full Potential. If you are into the psychology of running, there are a lot of tips and tricks about how to get your mind right on race day and many other articles that really make a lot of sense. You’ll have to sign up for an account, but it’s worth it and it’s free. The training plan was made available to me through Garmin. The plan has been converted by them into Calendar entries that are available on my watch. I then use my watch (Garmin Fenix 3) and it’s attached heart rate monitor (HRM-RUN) to track my runs and make sure I don’t over or under train (based on heart rate zones). It’s a great way to stick with running, especially if you don’t consider yourself a runner, and the individual exercises are actually a lot of fun and something I now look forward to. They always seem perfect, i.e. an easy exercise when I’m tired and a challenge when I’m raring to go. Thoughts running
Thoughts Valentine’s Day Mass Cure February 14, 2011October 17, 2019 What is this? Two blog posts on Valentine’s Day? Yes, I’m trying to make up for five years of not posting anything V-Day related, or as my sister Anne calls it, Single’s Awareness Day. So for all of my single cohorts on this most-challenging of days, I present to you… Read More
Photography The Perfect Holiday Gift December 6, 2008October 17, 2019 You know how every holiday you get these catalogs because you are on “the list”? But no one is on the same list. Some people are on the NRA gun nut list, some people are on the country home and garden gnome list, some are on the makeup and party… Read More
Photography The Two Year Time Lapse April 25, 2010October 17, 2019 The BBC, inspired by such films as Baraka, has brought a revolution to mainstream documentary filmmaking, specifically Planet Earth and now Life. Many of the mind-blowing shots are done on location, but several would be impossible to do out in the randomness of the great outdoors. The below behind-the-scenes video demonstrates… Read More