Poetry The Direction Jon Hillenbrand, April 4, 2010December 30, 2015 Morality is a giant flock of birds, every one joining and leaving as necessary to fulfill their immediate ambitions, the overall shape and direction coming from the collective emergence of the many. There are those who would enliven the flock and those who would laugh at its destruction. Today I…
Poetry Chaotic Soul Jon Hillenbrand, March 28, 2010December 30, 2015 Driving with purpose seemed to dry the aqueous pressure behind my eyes as the shrinking distance between my soul and that of my parents stretched the road and all its travelers into panoramic time lapsed smears. I was glad for the speed of other enthusiasts and procrastinations as it hid my…
Poetry Do We Allow Our Existence? Jon Hillenbrand, January 11, 2010December 30, 2015 Or are we merely the beneficiaries and victims of Existence, depending on the flap of the butterfly’s wings? Things happen. Shit happens. Life happens. Ups and downs and gutters and strikes. Why do things happen? Who knows why the vibrations among the atoms of the universe gang up on us or…
Poetry How do I love thee Jon Hillenbrand, December 25, 2009December 30, 2015 Man is a wonder. So full of possibility, so acutely a master of all things good and evil. Often we gather to push together, our efforts as one more powerful than the sum of the individuals. We chose to go to the moon, not because it was easy
Poetry List of Deeds Jon Hillenbrand, October 21, 2009December 30, 2015 The Truth will not reveal itself to the idle mind. We must sometimes engage in things which we might find uncomfortable, the least of which may be the admission that we were previously incorrect about something. Concurrently, this sometimes uncomfortable journey may bring us to a bridge we have to…
Poetry All You Need Is Love Jon Hillenbrand, October 18, 2009December 30, 2015 The most important parts of the most important concepts can sometimes be distilled down to just a few or one element of those grander schemes.
Poetry Discovering your tiger face Jon Hillenbrand, February 28, 2009April 27, 2018 There once was a tiger that lived in the jungle. She gave birth to a baby tiger cub, but then she died, leaving her cub alone in the world. The little cub went out searching for a mother.
Poetry The breakup Jon Hillenbrand, February 7, 2009December 30, 2015 The blink of the stop light and the metronome of the wipers compete for control over the beat of my heart as I think of my final moments with her. I’m writing her features on my mind so I don’t forget everything important to me now. I feel her close…
Poetry LOVE Jon Hillenbrand, October 30, 2008December 30, 2015 I’m thinking back to pre-school, a distant out of focus memory of my hand fondling the red fire alarm. The ink of grade school turns milky blue for a moment as I make out a girl in a polka dotted skirt, a girl who hated me. High school is clearer…
Poetry The Doorway Jon Hillenbrand, October 21, 2008December 30, 2015 The door banged open dustily halting the men’s filthy conversation. She paused there in the opening, a sudden wind taking its cue to wrap around her silken form. Red swollen lips threw daggers at the men. Her word leveled with the finality of a commandment, a gale force whisper, the…
Poetry Blessed and Damned Jon Hillenbrand, October 19, 2008December 30, 2015 I am a luminous being. Look into my tomb and you will see my outline visible as though looking through a veil of cheesecloth. My identity is not the product of man-made fallibility. I have been illuminated by brilliant shafts of light cast about from many sources. That is why…
Poetry The Death of Dusty Brown Jon Hillenbrand, October 15, 2008December 30, 2015 I took the reins from Anne and mounted up. The sun was setting across a fall landscape of tall grass which licked my stirrupped heels. I was looking forward to riding again not having ridden a horse in some time. The feel was familiar and I looked forward to the…
Poetry Love’s Dreamy Breath Jon Hillenbrand, October 15, 2008December 30, 2015 Love is air. Lovelessness is the drowning after. I float now in that water. Were I suspended in sweet air, you would see the roses in my cheeks and the clover in my souls. But as you peer past the surface of my rippled sky, your eyes will ungrey a…
Poetry Plump Berries Jon Hillenbrand, October 14, 2008December 30, 2015 First I saw the cherry. Then I saw the long dark sweet ink trickling entangled down her creamy curves. Should I spoil her freshly fallen field of pale snow? Would I ever recover from sinfully sampling her unsophisticated sensuality? A hellfire might await me after such a kiss, or a…
Poetry Ascendancy Jon Hillenbrand, October 8, 2008December 30, 2015 The rain falls down the glass, time-worn cracks tracing the road map of my life. Practical considerations have no ascendancy in the pointed monologue of memory or the inner dialog of reason. I can see the light coming through my bathroom window and dancing like music alighting on glistening copper…