Dropping the soap Jon Hillenbrand, June 14, 2008December 30, 2015 So you know what I’m really good at? Avoiding soap to foot impacts in the shower. I’m like the Smith from the Matrix movies who could avoid all those bullets. I think it’s a very useful skill to have. Now if only I could work on not dropping the soap. You know what else I’m bad at besides soap retention? Procrastination. My old roommate in college used to say, “Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow.” Seemed like bad advice back in the day, but I’ve since taken it to heart somewhat. There have been studies done on my ilk, investigating the biological and sociological reasons for procrastinators. I think these studies describe actual differences in the brain structures between procrastinators and others, but I’ve never gotten around to reading them. You know what sucks? It’s 74 degrees out, very pleasant, but it’s 9000 degrees in my apartment. Seriously, are the radiators on? All the candles have pooled together on the window sill. Poetry photography
Poetry List of Deeds October 21, 2009December 30, 2015 The Truth will not reveal itself to the idle mind. We must sometimes engage in things which we might find uncomfortable, the least of which may be the admission that we were previously incorrect about something. Concurrently, this sometimes uncomfortable journey may bring us to a bridge we have to… Read More
Poetry Sing me to sleep October 28, 2011May 10, 2013 I have a song in my heart that I like to listen to. Maybe sometime I’ll whisper it to you from my lips to your lips and that song will sit in your heart as well. Read More
Poetry Girl from the pond – a short story July 11, 2012December 30, 2015 There I stood looking upon the pond. And before me arose a mist from the shimmering surface like gold leaf on an Egyptian statue. Across the mist there arose a gentle bird whose wings spread across the water and sent ripples across the pond. The fish rose up to meet… Read More