Circling Jon Hillenbrand, June 27, 2008October 17, 2019 Today I was tasked with capturing all of the new topiary at one of the hospitals I am responsible for photographing. It was a hot day and I took my time concentrating on getting nice shots despite the highness of the sun in the mid-morning sky. Forty-five minutes in, I spotted two birds twirling in slow lazy circles. They were using the air-conditioning smoke stacks as thermals, riding their ejected heat higher and higher into the sky. Within sixty seconds, they went from being fifty feet in the air to being almost out of sight. It was impressive. Photography Thoughts photography
Photography Aaaaannd this was today… December 5, 2008October 17, 2019 Here’s what I did today. Got up and went to work Went to a meeting Shot a headshot for a doc Went to a Christmas lunch Went home and spent a few hours watching CommunityChannel Productive. I love how when you are talking in a big group at a big… Read More
Photography Just Do It! September 25, 2008October 17, 2019 We all know the Nike slogan, Just Do It. Speaks volumes. It’s as good a mantra for companies as it is for people. I’ve worked for companies that I’ve wanted to scream this at. I used to work for a company that hired me to help them enter the web-based… Read More
Photography Instruction Manual – Life – 2010 January 1, 2010October 17, 2019 I don’t know about you, but I sometimes feel shortchanged by the instruction manual I received when I was born. Oh wait, there isn’t an instruction manual for Life. What the heck?! There are instruction manuals for everything, even chopsticks. The first time I saw those three Chinese pictures on… Read More