Lips Jon Hillenbrand, February 12, 2009October 17, 2019 Lips are amazing. Here’s an interesting experiment. Take a paperclip. Unfold it just to the point where it forms a perfect U shape. Now make the two point ends about an index finger tip width apart. Close your eyes. Press the two points on the bare skin of your chest. Press on your ribs. Press on the tops of your legs, your shoulders, your back. For the most part, it should feel like you are only pressing one tip on your skin. You can’t feel the two separate tips. Press the tips on your scalp and on your forehead. It should start to feel more like two tips. Now press the tips to your lower lip. The tips feel like they are a mile apart, don’t they? There are so many nerve endings on lips that they can explore the various intricacies of the paperclip. Lips are used by babies and toddlers to test the taste, warmth and texture of the world around them. Later in life, they are used to test the sincerity and honesty of a lover. Language is the expression and representation of intelligence and thusly lips are the highly formed instruments of advanced communication. Even the way they look makes an impression to others as to one’s fertility, health and sexuality. “A man had given all other bliss, And all his worldly worth for this, To waste his whole heart in one kiss Upon her perfect lips.” -Alfred Lord Tennyson Photography Thoughts photography
Photography Technostalgia May 19, 2010October 17, 2019 You know that feeling when you look at older technology and marvel at the intricacies of their jeweled engineering? I have named this feeling technostalgia. Today, I was playing with a very old lens, an 85mm f/2 AI-S Nikkor lens which has no motors, no chips, no auto-focus, no communication with… Read More
Thoughts 5K Registration August 7, 2016October 17, 2019 Now I’ve done it. After 3 months of pretty darn steady training, I’ve signed up for my first official 5K, the Humboldt Park 5K, on Sunday Aug. 14th. The reason I chose this particular 5K was that it falls on the exact day my training program calls for running a… Read More
Photography Duck! December 10, 2009October 17, 2019 Ducks seem to have a lock on a lot of things in the human world. There’s the old saying, “Be calm on the surface and paddling like the dickens underneath,” duck analogy. Then there’s the, “If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck…,” analogy which is used… Read More