Making bubbles Jon Hillenbrand, July 8, 2010October 17, 2019 Photoshop has been good to me. Since version 4.0 or so, I’ve been teaching myself successfully how to use it and having a lot of fun along the way. I’m always impressed with what it can do in such a short amount of time. Getting a Wacom tablet opened up a whole new world to me in PS as well, especially CS2 and later. I often give tutorials to my friends and colleagues on some of the basics and tips and tricks I’ve picked up from classes. Often during these tutorials, I get bogged down talking about the history of the development of the tool instead of just teaching what something does. So I usually try and emphasize the importance of learning keyboard shortuts and not getting obsessed with doing something the “right way”. Since there are 3 or 4 ways to do everything in PS, it’s best to just do what feels natural or is easiest to remember. I threw together this short video of myself making some bubble thing. Hope the music doesn’t get stripped out by YouTube. We’ll see. For now, have a look and a listen and enjoy. Photography Thoughts bubblesphotographyphotoshoptutorialvideoyoutube
Photography UNODIR November 7, 2008October 17, 2019 Sometimes after a long 12 hour day when I haven’t had a chance to eat lunch or breakfast, and the valet at the restaurant I was just shooting photos at asked me impolitely to move my car because I was parked “illegally”, in his words, in his precious parking lot,… Read More
Photography Just Do It! September 25, 2008October 17, 2019 We all know the Nike slogan, Just Do It. Speaks volumes. It’s as good a mantra for companies as it is for people. I’ve worked for companies that I’ve wanted to scream this at. I used to work for a company that hired me to help them enter the web-based… Read More
Photography Rockstar June 10, 2008October 17, 2019 I was just emailed this question from a client for an upcoming photo shoot I will be working: Jon, do you need any special arrangements for the luncheon on 6/27? – Let me know – Thanks,(name withheld to protect the innocent) Here was my reply: I will need the following… Read More