Bathroom Perspective Jon Hillenbrand, July 11, 2010October 17, 2019 It’s funny how some ordinary everyday objects take on a new life of their own depending on how you look at them. Of course, for someone like me who has -5.5 vision correction in both eyes, this is how the bathroom looks to me every morning when I haven’t put my contacts in yet (except for the creative colors). Those of you “blessed” with 20/20 or better vision unfortunately will never get to experience this sensation except through the medium of photography. But I’m still jealous of you. [AFG_gallery id=’5′] Photography Thoughts bathroomfaucetflickrphotographyshowershower headtoilet paper roll holder
Photography Anticipation January 11, 2012December 30, 2015 Sometimes you preposition snow plows when the forecast calls for 5-8 inches of snow. In Chicago, this is a good practice. Read More
Photography Flag Day March 31, 2010October 17, 2019 A good photo is knowing where to stand. – Ansel Adams As someone who is often asked for advice on photography, I usually tuck this quote in right after giving an overview of the bucket analogy, three-point lighting and the two-thirds rule. To me, it all comes down to this: knowing where to stand. … Read More
Photography Organizing the Organization May 7, 2009October 17, 2019 Lesson for all budding photographers out there: BE ORGANIZED. I may have a messy apartment, and maybe my desk is a little disheveled, but take a look at any part of my computer or the digital asset databases that I have domain over and you will see that they are… Read More