Legacy of a Species Jon Hillenbrand, February 7, 2016 Not all knowledge is possessed from birth. Experience, standing on the shoulders of others… That’s where the magic happens. As a species… We owe each other the lives we have lived. Because in those moments… There lies the insight… That will help us… Defeat the robots… When they rise up against us. Poetry learninglegacyLifelossrelationshipsrobotsspeciesthoughttruthwork-life balance
Poetry Potential October 15, 2010May 10, 2013 The ink drops to the page, ridged blackness like an inverted star its potential swimming within the fluid. I stab it with my finger and drag out its life into a box within which I fill everything that fills me. A lifetime of fear and happiness, love lost and gained,… Read More
Poetry Button March 1, 2007December 30, 2015 Cute little halo You and your friends keep my clothes on I see you there dangling With a sideways smile on your face One of these days you are going to try and get away You’ll be there at night But the next morning you’ll be gone I’ll look through… Read More
Poetry Delta Delta Delta June 26, 2008December 30, 2015 Last night, I walked past my bookshelf and glanced at one of the two spiral-bound notebooks leaning against the oversized Dan Eldon book. One notebook has a collection of terrible charcoal drawings I made in a period when I imagined I could practice my way into talented charcoal artistry. The… Read More