Windowed Night Jon Hillenbrand, October 26, 2016 Falling rain Lighting up By passing cars And flashy bars Like lightning bugs In mason jars As far’s the eye can see The sea makes a plea To be the sky To fly But heavy water falls In walls Like posters stuck to China’s walls The distant land As complex as a band Details like sand A dragon flies with Eyelashed-eyes A child cries As parents bring her to the skies Across the sea With it’s plea To be the sky Like the eye Of the child looking high Through the windowed night A metal kite And she fills her eyes with the light Of a thousand stars Like distant cars Numerous as strangers all around and new Unhappy feeling blue Her far off land a memory Like the view of the sea Windowed from her seat Neat but a strange way to greet Her new life should be sweet Connecting friends from a Tweet Life a giant street Looking down can be sad Up can be glad Out can be mad or bad or wearing plaid Life anew, near or far Looking up to see the stars Filling her eyes with Mars and quasars She looks so high And lets out a sigh As her eyes twinkle like a perfect night sky Poetry LifenightpoempoemsPoetrythought
Poetry I hope September 26, 2008December 30, 2015 I hope the human world gets better but not at the expense of human greatness. I hope peace and happiness spring up like flowers from the seeds of democracy being sewn in the Middle East, but not at the expense of culture. I hope cynicism doesn’t take over America, but… Read More
Poetry Storm before the Calm May 21, 2011May 10, 2013 Chained to Paris, hearts around the world spin on the axis of promises made by fairy tales of Sleeping Beauties and Prince Charmings riding up on shimmering white stallions. Promises create a firmament holding up the tears-soaked stars like a glass hydroelectric dam. And then the comment, or the look… Read More
Poetry LOVE October 30, 2008December 30, 2015 I’m thinking back to pre-school, a distant out of focus memory of my hand fondling the red fire alarm. The ink of grade school turns milky blue for a moment as I make out a girl in a polka dotted skirt, a girl who hated me. High school is clearer… Read More